Friday, September 16, 2016

Mutant Me

What is the name of the mutation strain that has affected you?  tie-dyeosis 

Describe the visible physical changes. I became purple, grew dots around my body, and face became differently shaped

Are there any physical changes that are not visible?  If so, describe. Yes, my heart turned into a sign of peace and freedom 

What emotional changes have you noticed? Everything i do is happy and stress free, i am always in the best of moods and enjoying life.

Have you gained any unusual skills or abilities? Describe. I have gained the ability to give people peace of mind, heart, and soul.

Have you noticed any changes in habits? Describe. I am always looking to help someone in need or struggling. My goal in life is to have peace through everyone.

Have you noticed any changes in food preferences? Describe. I can only eat natural and organic things 

Has the mutation affected your social life/relationships? I am a very friendly person, i help a lot of people, and will do anything for people to be peaceful 

Has the mutation affected your studies or ability/desire to learn? Now that i have been affected with tie-dyeosis my want to learn and know more about people, world, and environment we live in has increased.

How has your mutation changed your plans for the future? I now live a very alternative lifestyle, i do whatever comes my way and just roll with what life throws at me 

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