Wednesday, September 28, 2016

social media

internet image

Based solely on the photographs she chose to post,what is the image that Jenny is trying to project?...Adventurous? Curious? Brave? 

based on her pictures she is adventurous, bravery, free spirited,  calm, livsnjutare, wanderlust 

Do you think she was successful?

yes i think she was succesful because all her post seem to be safe and the image she is portraying seems to be good

Do you think that Jenny is someone who would be a good role model? A good mother? A good wife? A good friend?  
yes i think she would be good in all these aspects. she is someone who is adventurous and seems to be someone who people would like to be around.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

tweet this question and answers

A) What trend was the article highlighting?
B) Do you think this trend will continue?   Why?
C) Explain how the behavior outlined in the article could affect a student’s future education and employment opportunities.

A- the trend the article was highlighting is that more institutions are now checking social media accounts.
B- yes i think it will and it should continue to be done, because it is important to know as much as you can in your surrounding and what people you have around you and on campus.
C- posting something inappropriate to social media could take away many opportunities in your future. if it is caught people may see you in a different prospective than the manner you posted,and may take away the opportunities you could've been given.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Mutant Me

What is the name of the mutation strain that has affected you?  tie-dyeosis 

Describe the visible physical changes. I became purple, grew dots around my body, and face became differently shaped

Are there any physical changes that are not visible?  If so, describe. Yes, my heart turned into a sign of peace and freedom 

What emotional changes have you noticed? Everything i do is happy and stress free, i am always in the best of moods and enjoying life.

Have you gained any unusual skills or abilities? Describe. I have gained the ability to give people peace of mind, heart, and soul.

Have you noticed any changes in habits? Describe. I am always looking to help someone in need or struggling. My goal in life is to have peace through everyone.

Have you noticed any changes in food preferences? Describe. I can only eat natural and organic things 

Has the mutation affected your social life/relationships? I am a very friendly person, i help a lot of people, and will do anything for people to be peaceful 

Has the mutation affected your studies or ability/desire to learn? Now that i have been affected with tie-dyeosis my want to learn and know more about people, world, and environment we live in has increased.

How has your mutation changed your plans for the future? I now live a very alternative lifestyle, i do whatever comes my way and just roll with what life throws at me 

Mutant Me

What is the name of the mutation strain that has affected you?  tie-dyeosis 

Describe the visible physical changes. I became purple, grew dots around my body, and face became differently shaped

Are there any physical changes that are not visible?  If so, describe. Yes, my heart turned into a sign of peace and freedom 

What emotional changes have you noticed? Everything i do is happy and stress free, i am always in the best of moods and enjoying life.

Have you gained any unusual skills or abilities? Describe. I have gained the ability to give people peace of mind, heart, and soul.

Have you noticed any changes in habits? Describe. I am always looking to help someone in need or struggling. My goal in life is to have peace through everyone.

Have you noticed any changes in food preferences? Describe. I can only eat natural and organic things 

Has the mutation affected your social life/relationships? I am a very friendly person, i help a lot of people, and will do anything for people to be peaceful 

Has the mutation affected your studies or ability/desire to learn? Now that i have been affected with tie-dyeosis my want to learn and know more about people, world, and environment we live in has increased.

How has your mutation changed your plans for the future? I now live a very alternative lifestyle, i do whatever comes my way and just roll with what life throws at me